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Jan 31 2022

How to Make Money with IQ Option CopyTrading in 2022

copytrading iq option

Copy Trading entails utilizing special software to routinely execute deals identical to those made by recognized traders. This is done by replicating other traders trades on your personal account in order to benefit or lose in the same way they do. 

Inexperienced traders find it advantageous to copy trade from experts since, in the long run, they will get as good results as the experts, even with minimal knowledge. Brokerage companies have made it simpler to copy trade by introducing external and in-built trading bots. MT2Trading platform has integrated with some of the best Binary Options brokers, such as IQ Option, to help you get more benefits from your binary options trading.

Thousands of traders will certainly give up on the IQ Option platform if they do not have a return on their investment. The good thing is that binary options trading is one of the domains in which IQ Option has gained popularity; hence, many traders trust their investment with IQ option when it comes to copytrading.

How to CopyTrade with IQ Option

As mentioned earlier, IQ Option is one of our integrated brokers; therefore, anyone with an account can replicate trades through MT2 platform. To even think of doing this, you first have to be registered on IQ Option. This only takes a few seconds.

Download the MT2 platform

First, download MT2. You will be given the option of choosing between the desktop and mobile editions. Users can setup and configure their accounts on the desktop edition, whilst account holders can only watch their trades on the mobile edition. If you want to copy trade binary options, you should first download the desktop version before moving on to the next step.


After downloading the application, you will be requested to log-in with your IQ Option account details. There is nothing to worry about, we do not keep any of your data at MT2, so your account is fully safe.

CopyTrade with IQ Option

Once you’ve logged in to the MT2Trading platform with your IQ Option account, you’ll just need to choose which signal provider to subscribe to, your trading amount as well as risk management parameters, and allow the platform to do all the rest.

How CopyTrading Works on the MT2 Platform

The MT2 platforms allow every trader to trade like an expert, regardless of their experience. Our CopyTrading tool is user-friendly, therefore, easy to comprehend and operate. To ease your understanding, we have prepared a few steps on how to use our CopyTrading too.

Choose a Trader

Once inside the MT2 platform head over to the public signal providers list on the CopyTrading section, then browse the listing and pick your favorites from among hundreds of incredible Binary Options traders. The moment they start trading, your trades will also activate. 

Before selecting a trader, ensure you analyze their performance, statistics, profit margin, and other essential factors. Remember that you will get exactly what they get, whether it is a profit or gain, which is why you must choose cautiously.

Set an Amount

Here, you will be required to choose a specific amount that you want to CopyTrade. Our tool is always precise and will always do as you instruct. At no particular point will the system ever exceed the set limit when copytrading.

Copy Trade

To begin the Copying process, click on the subscribe button then wait for the results.


The MT2 Copytrading tool allows all users to earn similar results as experts on the renowned IQ Option platform. Trading binary options is now easier than before, even without years of expertise. All you need to do is find a worthy trader to copy and leave the rest to the system. In other words, our CopyTrading feature will do everything while you focus on other important things.

About MT2Trading Platform

MT2 is the most powerful and innovative platform that will allow you to trade Binary Options in a fully automated and safe way in your favorite brokers. Our vision is to make automated trading simple. We believe that by trading automation, we can significantly improve lives around the world. Our mission is to be the leading automated trading platform in the world.

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